I don't like to spread rumors but I heard a couple of them earlier today. Acutally, I like to hear a good rumor, then I use my "superior judgement" to determine whether or not to spread it even more. In this case, I am a rumor spreader.

First, how many times in our lives have we been disappointed when the weather person mentioned snow and then there was no sign of it? Or perhaps even worse, snow actually fell onto the ground and then melted immediately right before your eyes. Or perhaps even worse than that, the snow fell onto the ground, accumulated just enough to get to the height of the lowest blade of grass and then melted before 10:00 AM. Not enough snow to do anything with and not enough time to do anything with the snow that you really couldn't do anything with. Such is the life of a resident of central Mississippi.
Well, today, the National Weather Service has been leaking rumors that it just might snow during the wee hours of the night. Maybe even up to 1-2 inches of accumulation. A good central Mississippi skeptic will believe it when they see it.
The second rumor that I heard is also coming from the National Weather Service. They are talking about the weather being sunny on Friday. As a gray sky, rain dweller for practically all of 2013, I had to look up exactly what the sun was and its purpose. As it turns out, the sun is the center of the universe and is extremely hot. It is located in the sky and will be in the east in the morning and move westward across a blue sky until it goes below the horizon, leaving us all in the darkness of night. The warmth from the sun helps to keep people happy and makes flowers and plants grow.
I certainly hope both of the rumors are correct, especially the one about the sun. As wet as it has been, perhaps our local school districts, government offices and business should give everyone a "sun day" to sit outside and soak in the warmth and the brightness.
Slightly changing the final words of the character "Red" from Shawshank Redemption, I recite the following concerning my thoughts on the rumors/forecast of our upcoming weather:
I find I'm so excited I can barely sit still or hold a thought in my head. I think it is the excitement only a drenched man can feel, a drenched man at the start of a long jouney whose conclusion is uncertain. I hope I can make it to see the sun, to see it, to feel it, to smile in it's face. I hope it is as bright and warm as it has been in my dreams. I hope.