Sunday, September 23, 2012

Oh My!!

"Unless you're ashamed of yourself now and then, you're not being honest."

- William Faulkner

Over the past few weeks, I have been making an attempt to learn more about blogging.  While searching the internet, I found several good sites that gave advice on the art of blogging.  Also, from one of those sites, I stumbled upon a blog directory.  In that directory, I typed in the word, "Mississippi", to search for other Mississippi bloggers or blogs about Mississippi.

The first blog that I ran across was called, Muddy Mississippi Justice, a blog that is dedicated to reporting injustice of all sorts.  I clicked onto the blog and looked at the blog history.

What popped out at me was a story titled:

I thought to myself, what the crap! and immediately clicked on the link to the story.  The headline was like a bad car wreck.  I knew it wasn't going to be good but I had to look.

It told of a Leflore County man named Andrew Nash.  It seems that the owner of four hogs took the animals to the vet for an annual examination where it was discovered that all four hogs had vaginal infections.  The following is the rest of the story as told by Muddy Mississippi Justice:

During a routine examination, a local veterinarian found that four hogs brought in by their owner had vaginal infections.  Chief Investigator Huntley Nevels says that the hog's owner knew someone was messing with them (hogs), and the veterinarian confirmed the assault.  

Andrew Lee Nash was arrested on December 3, 2010 after authorities in Greenwood Mississippi, set up surveillance cameras, in the owner's stalls, near U.S. Highway 82 and the Yazoo River.  Nash was arrested and charged with 12 counts of unnatural intercourse.  His bond was set at $600,000, then reduced to $60,000.

Now I have seen Dateline on television when they lure in grown men who like to have "hot" chats on their computers with under aged girls in hopes of a sexual encounter.  I have watched them as they are caught and they all seem terribly embarrassed and ashamed of their actions, but can you imagine poor ol' Andrew Nash, pig molester?  There he is caught on tape, "makin' bacon".  Sex with a hog!  Hopefully Inmate Nash has some sort of mental disorder as that would make his behavior a bit more understandable.

But can you imagine Inmate Andrew Nash?  He checks into prison, meets with the warden who looks at his file and just shakes his head.  Then he gets to meet his fellow inmates and what do you suppose one of their first questions will be?  Yep, "Whatta you in for?"  There is no good answer for Inmate Nash.

Luckily for Andrew Nash, his only criminal charge is not just unnatural intercourse.  He was also charged with uttering forgery and when he has to face the other inmates, that just may be his saving grace.