In 1894, shortly after rewriting it's state constitution, Mississippi also changed it's state flag. This flag change is unfortunate as this change was made at at time when whites who had been defeated in a war and suffered under reconstruction began to try and "normalize" their way of life. It is also unfortunate because the Confederate flag which sits in the left corner of our current flag is perceived in modern society as one of ignorance and racism. I hate that perception as I think our current flag is recognizable, attractive and historical. On top of that, my Mississippi heritage records that some of my ancestors were Confederate soldiers.
BUT, it is time to change. That is my thought today and was my thought back in April 2001, when we voted on whether to keep our current flag or to move to another. At that time, I voted for our current flag because it was historical in nature and the other flag was... well, it was something that was just made up and really had no historical signifigance.
Our state is approximately 37% African American. Of that 37%, probably a large majority would be in favor of changing the flag that some find offensive. Of the remaining 63% of Mississippi's population, I think if given the chance to chose a flag that was historical in nature with a link to the Confederacy (as is the Magnolia Flag), I think they would have no problem with changing our state flag to the Magnolia Flag.
Repbulicans now hold the Governor and Lt. Governor's office as well as the majority in the House and Sentate. They need to step forward with the proposal to make this change. From an economic development and public relations standpoint, it has to be better than the flag we have. Also, from a political standpoint, while it will probably not change much in getting minority votes for the Republicans, it just seems like the right thing to do.
It is time for a banner that represents all Mississippians. It is time to change back to the Magnolia Flag.
BUT, it is time to change. That is my thought today and was my thought back in April 2001, when we voted on whether to keep our current flag or to move to another. At that time, I voted for our current flag because it was historical in nature and the other flag was... well, it was something that was just made up and really had no historical signifigance.
Our state is approximately 37% African American. Of that 37%, probably a large majority would be in favor of changing the flag that some find offensive. Of the remaining 63% of Mississippi's population, I think if given the chance to chose a flag that was historical in nature with a link to the Confederacy (as is the Magnolia Flag), I think they would have no problem with changing our state flag to the Magnolia Flag.
Repbulicans now hold the Governor and Lt. Governor's office as well as the majority in the House and Sentate. They need to step forward with the proposal to make this change. From an economic development and public relations standpoint, it has to be better than the flag we have. Also, from a political standpoint, while it will probably not change much in getting minority votes for the Republicans, it just seems like the right thing to do.
It is time for a banner that represents all Mississippians. It is time to change back to the Magnolia Flag.