Acronyms sometimes spell things that perhaps you would rather they not. In South Carolina, Furman College (F.C.) became Furman University or F.U. I visited there a couple of years ago and bought a purple t-shirt that had in big bold letters, "F U" and then written smaller, "Furman University". It seemed great at the time and then I made my way home and found that sporting around Clinton, Mississippi with a F U t-shirt might not be the best thing.

When I attended Peeples Jr. High, at the end of each pep rally, the band would stand on the gym floor and loudly play our fight song. I don't remember any of the words to the song except at the very end when the student body would join in. It was then in unison that a frenzied group of jr. high students would shout out, "It's P-J-H!!"
Now, the school has been renamed. It is now Peeples Middle School. I am not sure how many of the traditions of the early 1970's exist at Peeples in 2012, but I have to wonder if at the end of each pep rally, if the band plays the fight song and they loudly cheer, "It's P-M-S!!" I certainly hope not.