During this election year, we have heard a lot about the "war on women". In reading
Mark McComb's blog, Bring Data, he has produced some interesting data from some reliable sources. Concerning the "War on Women", this data is strictly economic in nature and does not measure the "war" in any other manner. The interesting thing to me is that generally when your educational and socio-economic level rises, the more political clout and power you attain. If you are female, this is good news and both political parties should certainly take notice.

The chart to the right shows the percentage of men in 1960 who were doctors, lawyers and managers versus that of 2008. It shows that today, there is much "greater equality of opportunity in the U.S. economy". McComb explains this much better than I ever could and the following is a link to his blog:
On McComb's blog on a separate post, he also recently blogged concerning the data on income in the U.S. by sex. There is still a gap between men and women but females are catching up in the income gap. For the first time ever, women make up more of the workforce than men. Since 1947, the income for women has almost tripled vs the income for men which has been just more than doubled. The following is a link to McComb's blog and a chart concerning this issue:
So how is the "war on women" going? From an economic and opportunity standpoint, it appears that women are making progress. As the father of a daughter in medical school, this is good news. There is still work to be done but time seems to be a great healer as it appears that women have progressed both under Democratic and Republican administrations.